1. In MS-Word, which of the following keyboard shortcuts should be used to center align a paragraph?

A.Ctrl + J                   B. Ctrl + C

C.  Ctrl + V                 D. Ctrl + E

2. What is the default horizontal alignment of text in a cell of an MS-Excel Worksheet?

A.Right                       B. Middle

C. Left                         D. Above

3. What will be the result of the given MS-Excel formula? = 4  2  3

A.8                              B. 4096

C. 6561                         D. 24

4. Which of the following fields should contain your email address when you send an email?

A. From                      B. To

C. BCC                        D. CC

5. When you select a cell in an MS-Excel worksheet and press ‘F2’ key , what will happen?

A.The content of the cell will be deleted.

B.The background color of the cell will change.

C. The front color of the cell contents will change.

D.The cell will switch of edit mode so that its contents can be modified.

6. Servers refers to those computers which provide resources to other computers connected to it.

A. Network                     B. Mainframe

C. Super computer           D. Client

7. Data is recorded to be in rings in a floppy disk. These rings are called:

A. Sectors                         B. Ringers

C. Segements                    D. Tracks

8. Pictures are displays on the computer screen to guide the users in operating the computer system. The picture is called:

A.Icon                           B. Thumbnail

C. New Folder                D. Symbol

9. In a byte:

A.Is 1 bit                        B. Consists of 10 bits

C. Contains 100 bits       D. have 8 bit

10. Internet started with the development of:

A. USENET                   B. ARPANET

C. Ethernet                     D. Intranet

11. What is meant by USB?

A. Universal Serial Bus  B. Unified Speed Bond

C. Universal Speed Bus  D. Unified Serial Bond

12. A cell in a spreadsheet is defined as follows.

A. rectangular box                         B. lines only

C.Intersection of row and colunm D. Both 1 & 3

13. Portrait and Landscape means:

A.Page orientation         B. Paper size

C. Page layout                   D. Both 3 & 4

14. Ctrl + X is used for :

A. Copy                    B. Insert

C. Cut                      D. Paste

15. On deleting a file in Windows, the file is reached:

A.Trash                     B. Recycle bin

C. Control Panel        D. Cache

16. The process of joining two or more cells in a single cell is :

A. Splitting                  B. Joining

C. Sharing                    D. Merging

17. The process of implementation of instructions is called :

A. Storing                     B. Decoding

C. Fetching                   D. Executing

18. Who is the father of Computers?
A. James Gosling           B. Charles Babbage
C.Dennis Ritchie            D.Bjarne Stroustrup

19. Which of the following computer language is written in binary codes only?
A. pascal                              B. JAVA
C.machine language          D. C#

20. Which of the following is the brain of the computer?
A. Central Processing Unit       B. Memory
C. Arithmetic and Logic unit     D. Control unit


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