Computer Generations||First Generation,Second Generation,Third Generation,Fourth Generations,Fifth Generations Computers

Computer Generations||First Generation,Second Generation,Third Generation,Fourth Generations,Fifth Generations Computers

Computer Generations: Computer have developed in five distinct phases known as generation of computer. Each generation is categorised by the type of electronic technology employed. GenerationYearDescription1st Generation1949 – 1955Thermionic Value (Vacuum Tube)2nd Generation1956 – 1965Transistor3rd Generation1966 - 1975Integrated Circuit (IC)4th Generation1975 ownersLarge & Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuit or Micro Chip (LSI & VLSI)5th GenerationUnder DevelopmentVery-Very ...

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What is computer?

What is computer?

Computer is an electronic device which takes data as input through input device and process in CPU and gives output through output device. or Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but veriable set ...

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